中本 健吾 / 以下 N)本日は、湯来町にあるマルニ木工本社から山中会長とお話ししていきたいと思います。山中さん宜しくお願いします。
山中 武 / 以下 Y)宜しくお願いします。
N)山中さんとは5年前に共通の知人を通して知り合ったんですけど、それ以前から周りには 『山中さんとは知り合いだよね』とよく言われてたんです。
N)私がマルニ木工を知ったのは広島の中新地通りにある和食の老舗「白鷹」のカウンターで使われてたネクストマルニ ※1 の椅子でした。
それが今でも忘れられないのですが、無垢の一枚物のカウンターにジャスパーモリソン ※2 を筆頭に一脚づつデザインの異なる椅子がずらっと並んで圧巻だったんです。
※1 ネクストマルニ...「日本の思想から生まれた世界の椅子」を目指し、日本の美意識へのメッセージをテーマに世界的なデザイナーが競作したプロジェクト。デザイナーに名を連ねたのは、アルベルト•メダ、ハッリ•コスキネン、ジャスパー•モリソン、ミケーレ•デ•ルッキ、AZUMI(安積伸・安積朋子)、SANAA(妹島和世・西沢立衛)と深澤直人、植木莞爾、内田繁、黒川雅之、八木保。
※2 ジャスパー•モリソン...ロンドン出身のプロダクトデザイナー。ネクストマルニプロジェクトでの作品をはじめマルニ木工での製品は数多く、マルニの代名詞的な商品のひとつになっている。マルニ木工からは椅子以外にもスツール、テーブルなど多岐にわたり発表されている。
当時ミラノサローネ ※3 国際家具見本市と同時期にミラノ市内のギャラリーで発表した際、たくさんのメディアに取り上げられてめちゃめちゃ売れるぞって思ったけど全く売れない、みたいな(笑)
しかしそんな中で深澤直人 ※4 さんに継続してデザインを依頼されたのはどうしてですか?
N)打倒 Yチェアで誕生したのが「HIROSHIMA」って事ですね。
※3 ミラノサローネ...毎年4月にミラノで開催される世界最大規模の家具見本市「ミラノサローネ国際家具見本市」の通称。正式名「Salone del Mobile.Milano サローネ・デル・モービレ・ミラノ」。
※4 深澤直人...日本のプロダクトデザイナー。1956年山梨県生まれ。2003年NAOTO FUKASAWA DESIGNを設立。現在は、世界各国を代表するブランドのデザインや、日本国内の企業のデザインやコンサルティングを多数手がける。マルニ木工では、ネクストマルニを始め「HIROSHIMA」シリーズが名高い。
N)やはりアップルやテイトモダンに納める物 ※5 を作っていると、若い人達が働きたいと思いますよね。
※5 米Apple本社ビル Apple Parkにマルニ木工「HIROSHIMA」が数千脚納品されている。( https://webshop.maruni.com/fs/maruni/c/stories_Vol07 )
一同) 大笑
有吉 将太郎
Kengo Nakamoto / referred to as N) Today, I'm going to have a conversation with Chairman Yamanaka from the Maruni Wood Industry headquarters in Yuki-cho.
Good to see you, Mr. Yamanaka.
Takeshi Yamanaka / referred to as Y) Good to see you.
N) I met Mr. Yamanaka five years ago through a mutual acquaintance. Before I met him, people around me would always ask me if I knew Mr. Yamanaka. For a long time I never had the opportunity to meet him, so when I finally met him, I though “finally, the day has come!” (Laughs).
Y) It really was like that.
I remember how happy I was when I first met you and you asked right away if I would be interested in having a Next Maruni exhibition at ref.
N) I got to know about Maruni Wood Industry from a Next Maruni *1 chair placed at the counter of the long-established Japanese restaurant "Hakutaka" on Nakashinchi Street in Hiroshima.
I still can't forget the overwhelming view of the chairs there, each with a different design led by Jasper Morrison *2, lined up against the solid wood counter.
When I asked the owner, he said it was a Hiroshima furniture maker!!!
It made me really proud, and I remember every time a guest would come to Hiroshima, I would overspend a little and take them to Hakutaka.
Y) Thank you.
My uncle, who was the company president at the time, was a regular at Hakutaka, and that chair was a present to the restaurant.
N) Oh, I didn’t know that. It really left an impression on me.
Next Maruni is a project by you, Mr. Yamanaka, isn't it?
*1 Next Maruni: A project in which world-famous designers collaborated with each other on the theme of creating a message to Japanese aesthetics, with the aim of producing a "worldwide chair born from Japanese thought."
The designers include Albert Meda, Harri Koskinen, Jasper Morrison, Michele De Lucchi, AZUMI (Shin Azumi and Tomoko Azumi), SANAA (Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa), Naoto Fukasawa, Kanji Ueki, Shigeru Uchida, Masayuki Kurokawa and Tamotsu Yagi.
*2 Jasper Morrison: product designer from London.
Beginning with the Next Maruni project, he has created many renowned works for Maruni Wood Industry. In addition to chairs, Maruni Wood Industry has released a wide range of his works such as stools and tables.
Y) Yes, the project for Next Maruni began in 2004.
At that time, my company was facing difficult times and I was working at a bank in Tokyo, but I quit my job and came back to rebuild my company. At the time, I had a real banker mentality, and to be honest, I was just focused on profits.
I was even thinking of selling the factory and to survive just as a trading company that only dealt with few, elite companies.
Including our ones overseas, there were more than 10 factories, but some were later integrated together. I felt very sorry towards my seniors, but I also asked many people to resign from their jobs. But even then, the difficult times did not change, and just when I thought things were coming to an end, I realized one more time that our company is a group of people who appreciate wood and making things.
At the time, the products with the classic claw foot design were very good, but they weren't what I would have wanted when I was around 30.
From there, I met various designers and started a design project called Next Maruni.
N) Did you like design?
Y) At that time, I didn't know any names or information on designers, so I had my sister, who knows a lot about the subject teach me, and I began getting excited about the interesting things that might come out of this [project].
N) Until then, the company only made classical [designs], right?
Y) Yes. Along with the classics, we were making a low-cost chair with casters at an overseas factory for major mass retailers, but it didn't sell well.
At that time, 30 to 40 new products were made each year, but they were kept in storage without being released to the world, it was terrible.
During that time, I thought that if we didn't develop products for our customers who were highly receptive to the Marni's classics, we wouldn't be able to survive.
N) That's when Next Maruni was born.
Y) To be honest, Next Maruni didn't sell at all at first, but I started to feel a change when products from rural companies began to be introduced in magazines such as BRUTUS.
That was my first realization.
N) Even if you do something good, it means nothing if doesn’t become known, but you succeeded in becoming known.
Y) Yes. After launching about 40 new products, I realized that it was not enough to work just with a well-known designer.
If you just work with [well-known designers], you mostly get delicate, fragile looking products that are not comfortable to sit on.
In the end, despite our motto of "industrializing crafts," we ended up making crafts works.
N) At that time I bought a Next Maruni chair by Mr. Tamotsu Yagi, but it was certainly difficult to sit in (laughs).
Y) It's just so beautiful though, it makes you want it.
N) I mean, I bought it!!!
Y) Thank you.
At that time, when I announced it at a gallery in Milan at the same time as the Milan Salone *3 International Furniture Fair, it was picked up by a lot of media and I thought it would sell a lot, but it didn't sell at all (laughs).
N) Even when you asked a well-known designer, what you expected and the results were different.
But why did you continue to ask Naoto Fukasawa *4 to design for you?
Y) A veteran engineer with experience in Next Maruni said that Naoto Fukasawa was the most troublesome and detailed designer to work with.
However, they told me that it was Naoto Fukasawa who made the best products by utilizing the engineers around him.
Hearing that, I was convinced that Naoto Fukasawa was a designer for us.
N) That's amazing. That's why you agreed.
Y) I told Mr. Fukasawa that we don't have much money or time, but please can you make a good product, and I brought him a financial statement that was already in the red.
I thought I would be turned down, but Mr. Fukasawa said, "Let's make a world standard that surpasses the Y chair," and accepted.
N) So "HIROSHIMA" was born to overthrow the Y Chair.
Y) Yes.
*3 Milano Salone...A commonly used name for the world's largest furniture fair, “the Milano Salone International Furniture Fair”, held in Milan every April.
The official name is "Salone del Mobile.Milano".
*4 Naoto Fukasawa: Japanese product designer.
Born in Yamanashi Prefecture in 1956.
In 2003 he established NAOTO FUKASAWA DESIGN.
Currently, he is involved in the design of brands representing countries around the world, as well as design and consulting for companies in Japan.
For Maruni Wood Industry, beginning with Next Maruni, the “HIROSHIMA” series designed by him has become extremely well-known.
N) I saw a program featuring Mr. Fukasawa on NHK before, and there was a phrase that left a strong impression on me.
"I have a sense of 'absolute design'" he said, a uniquely [thought out] term referencing the term 'absolute pitch', which is familiar term in music.
Borrowing from this, I began to say that I have an "absolute sense of business". (laughs)
Y) He really has good taste in every aspect.
N) In terms of how things unfolded, the chairman (Mr. Yamanaka) came back with a new venture, Next Maruni. Among those who remained was Mr. Fukasawa and the "HIROSHIMA" chair was born and was adopted by Apple's headquarters, and the name Maruni Wood Industry became known all over the world. That was the turning point.
As a result of "a group that loves making things" and the sense of "absolute design” working together, a standard chair for the world was born.
Y) That's right.
N) Talking to you again today, it’s surprising that you accepted my job.
Are such cases common?
Y) Actually, this is the first time for such a case.
You told me that you wanted to make a cool looking mirror, and that's how we got started, but in the past, such cases we would actually have declined.
N) In short, it's not a company that does everything.
Y) That's right.
We are a chair maker after all, so we don't want to do things that can't be mass-produced.
However, since we’ve gotten to know each other we decided to take on this project with you. It was partially because I was excited myself, and also as a result of talking with our engineers, I thought by doing [this project], we would be able to make new discoveries.
N) For me, it was very interesting.
Maruni's technical staff seemed to be enjoying [this project], and I thought this could turn into something interesting.
During meetings, everyone was always sparkly eyed and enthusiastic when they would explain things.
Y) During the project, you’d give your input by saying things like "this is trying too hard."
The engineers and I reflected a lot on what you said. (laughs)
N) You’re talking about the base of the makeup mirror, right?
Y) This was the part where we repeated a lot of trial and error.
N) At first it was a base with sharp corners, but I took the leap and asked for the back to be dropped back. (laughs)
We asked you to run calculations on the structure so that it wouldn't topple over, and to cut the bottom to prevent it from warping.
Y) People often say that wood is alive. It's not alive, it's biologically dead (laughs), but if it gets wet, it moves, and can suck [moisture].
What we’re doing can look pointless, such as cutting a large board into smaller pieces and gluing them together again, but it's not like pushing a button and having a finished product come out.
Wood has two characteristics. One is that you can never meet the same wood grain again.
In other words, it is not suitable for industrial products as a raw material.
With each piece, we face things like matching the wood grain and applying lacquer or paint.
Another characteristic of wood is that everyone is familiar with the comfort of wood.
N) Wood has a really bad yield. Even if a tree has been growing for 100 years, only 10% of the tree gets used.
I think it's a pity if you don't use the things made from it for at least 100 years.
It is clearly different from synthetic materials.
Y) That's why everyone can’t help to touch [wood].
The fact that [wood] can't be [overly] mass-produced I think is part of the reason [our company] can keep on surviving and what gives us our independence.
N) Lately, I often think how fatal it would be if craft became more mass-produced.
Such products don't need customer service, and sales staff would get their jobs away from AI.
Y) Certainly.
N) Working with you, I once again really felt that the people here really are "people who love making things".
I recently visited your factory, and I was surprised to see young people working there and that there were no foreign workers.
I've been on quite a few factory tours, but I think that’s rare for a company this scale.
Y) At the time when I came back [to Maruni], we were having to look into reducing the number of our employees, and it was very painful. But recently, "HIROSHIMA" has been featured in the media, along with ref. also being a dealer, so now we get art students or people who are studying design starting to apply for jobs here.
However, our so-called development department, which is mainly in charge of design at the company, only requires about five people. So it's not easy to have more people join for that section. All in all though, the number of people joining the company who want to improve their skills on the factory floor, or in the technical department that supports the design team has increased.
I don't intend to discriminate against foreigners based on their nationality, but I think that the kind things such as the environment in which we were raised and our sensibilities as Japanese people are very important for the kind of craft we do. That's why we haven't actively hired people from overseas.
N) It seems like, when you make things for Apple or Tate Modern *5, young people will want to start to work there.
It made me remember when the iPhone first went on sale, a small factory in Koto Ward created the mirror finish for the back cover, which attracted a lot of attention.
It’s cool to work at Maruni!
From now on, I think that only companies that can figure out a system of gaining popularity will remain. Maruni is doing it [right].
*5 Thousands of Maruni Wood Industry “HIROSHIMA" chairs have been delivered to Apple Park, Apple's headquarters in the United States.
( https://webshop.maruni.com/fs/maruni/c/stories_Vol07 )
Tate Modern...The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, located along the Thames River in London. For their expansion in 2016, many products from Maruni Wood Industry have been selected for the museum.
Y) Also, it's good to have young female [staff]. They can help the veteran old men work with more enthusiasm.
All) (laughs)
N) I felt like I was able to witness what an ideal domestic factory looks like.
Now that we have experienced COVID-19, war, and the depreciation of the yen, I think this is the last chance for Japan to bring back suppliers it has given up to places overseas in various fields.
Perhaps we have began to understand this in the last three years?
I feel that such diligent citizens, who are punctual, can't stand waiting a year for delivery or being able to receive only one key when purchasing a new car anymore.
I feel that "Japanese manufacturing" would be a greater deterrent than nuclear weapons for national defense. If someone attacks this factory, you will never be able to make the "HIROSHIMA" chair again, I don't think anyone would attack this factory. I don’t think any missiles would fly into Maruni Wood Industry's factory. [If there was ever any conflict] I will build a house next to the factory. (laughs)
Y) Certainly. (laughs) It would be good to be able to do that, or rather, I want it to be a [factory] like that.
N) In that sense, I'm glad I was able to make things with Maruni this time.
I will enter the two mirrors for next year's Good Design Award.
Y) That sounds good.
N) Lets make things together again.
Y) Of course.
N) Finally, after Jasper Morrison and Naoto Fukasawa, can we go with Kengo Nakamoto?
Everyone) (big laugh)
Maruni Wood Industry Co., Ltd.
Founded in 1928
Continuing to make furniture that will be loved as a standard 100 years from now.
和田 裕太