柳原)最初から話すと、僕が独立するために「金子眼鏡」を辞めて地元の北海道・札幌に戻ってきたときに、ARCH(※1) のオーナーから地下の物件が空いてるからどう?って声をかけてもらって。
彼は二十代前半アメリカ在住の時期からフランスヴィンテージだけでなく70’sから90’sのCAZAL(カザール), ALPINA(アルピナ), MIKLI(ミクリ), PERSOL(ペルソール), RAYBAN(レイバン)などのアイウェアブランドや、TART(タート), AO(アメリカンオプティカル),SHURON(シュロン)などのアメリカヴィンテージも収集していたようです。
※1) ARCH…国内外のブランドとヨーロッパヴィンテージを扱う老舗セレクトショップ。札幌と東京に店を構える。
ちなみに僕は「クリームソーダ(※2)」 なんだけど。。わかる?
※2) クリームソーダ… 原宿文化を創り上げたと云われるロカビリーファッションブランド。当時も広島に販売店舗は無く、東京のショップへの通販のみで購入が出来た。
そっからはVIA BUS STOPにいったんですよ。
比嘉)高校生のとき初めてやったのはTHEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT(ミッシェル•ガン•エレファント)。
僕らはアーカイブ本としてFrame France (※4)という書籍をguépard発足より前に作ったりしてて、その書籍は全部分解してネジ1本まで原寸大で載せているんです。
※3) KNOCKOUT / JUNKSHOP…神戸トアウエストの古着カルチャーを代表する老舗ショップ
※4) Frame France…世界で初めてフレームフランスを掲載したヴィンテージアーカイブブック。( https://guepard.jp/products/frame-france )
中本)フランスヴィンテージのブームって物を創るクリエイターからきたよね 。
2016年 ブランドスタート
2021年10月 ブランド創設初の直営店となるブティックを、神戸北野SPEAKEASY隣にオープン。
ref. / Web Store 商品一覧
Kengo Nakamoto / referred to as N) Thank you for coming today.
Kazuki Yanagihara / referred to as YH) Thank you for having me.
N) Let’s start with how the brand got started. Guépard is operated by you (Yanagihara), Yamamura, and Higa. How did the three of you get to know each other?
YH) It all started when I quit ‘Kaneko Glasses’ to start my own business and moved back to my hometown of Sapporo, Hokkaido. The owner of ARCH (※1) told me there was a space available underground, and asked if I was interested in it.
N) That was where we first met, wasn’t it?
YH) Yes, it was. I’ve always wanted to deal in vintage French glasses, but I didn’t have any contacts to get ahold of any. When I was searching the internet for vintage French glasses dealers, I found a site that was all in English, lined up with vintage French glasses. So, I contacted them asking if they sold wholesale, and I immediately got a call back from them. The person on the other end was Yamamura.
N) That’s how [you two] met (laughs).
YH) The call I got was from a guy with a real thick Kansai (West Japanese) accent (laughs). I was like ‘What? You’re not abroad?’ He said ‘no, I’m in Kobe’. A week after I got that call, I personally went to Kobe, and I bought some vintage French glasses there. Then, the two of us got talking like ‘with all the vintage glasses out there, how cool are French glasses?’.
N) You were really early in taking notice of vintage [glasses].
YH) I think so too.
N) Yamamura was even quicker.
YH) Definitely. He might have even been the earliest in the world. Since he was in his early 20s living in America, he’s been collecting not just vintage French glasses, but also American eyewear brands, anywhere between the '70s to the ‘90s, like CAZAL, ALPINA, MIKLI, PERSOL, RAYBAN, and even vintage brands like TART, AO (American Optical), and SHURON. Up until then, vintage American glasses were really popular, and just like [American] cars, vintage American glasses were either big or chunky. From first glance, they just looked really cool, but vintage French glasses tend to come together in their detail. Maybe you can’t tell just by taking a quick glance at them, but when you delve into a pair, you think ‘wow, this is how these are made?’. The two of us were getting excited about things like that.
Then, Yamamura in Kobe and now me in Sapporo began dealing vintage French glasses. But about three years later in 2015, and it goes the same with vintage clothes too, but it’s certain that [anything vintage] will go dry one day, [and that’s what happened]. So then we started thinking we’d probably have to start some kind of a brand.
N) And Higa still isn’t in the picture?
YH) Not yet. At the time, Higa had just opened a made to order glasses store and wasn’t planning on joining us. So in the beginning it was just the two of us, Yamamura and I.
Higa was originally in sales, but because he opened a store like the one he did, he was also a craftsman. Because of his position, he had access to factories and other craftspeople, which he was kind enough to introduce us to.
So then we tried making our first pair of glasses, but we weren’t able to make anything that we were satisfied with, and started to think we might be better off having Higa make glasses for us. We had him make a pair of glasses from one of our samples.
From around that time, we managed to start selling guépard glasses little by little. But then Higa, who was our contracted craftsman, became too overwhelmed with our orders, and told us he couldn’t make anymore [any faster]. Eventually, Higa told us that since we seemed to be taking things really seriously, that he wanted to join us too.
N) That’s when he joined [guépard].
YH) Yes. Until then, Higa was really only our contracted craftsman, but after he came to us we figured we might as well start a company with the three of us. I believe that was around 2017, but I’m not sure if it was Yamamura and I getting all worked up or if it was his estimate of the amount of glasses we could sell that really appealed to him (laughs).
We started in 2015, and we released our first pair in 2016. In 2017, Higa joined us and we became what we are today. So, if Yamamura and I hadn’t met, [guépard] probably wouldn’t have come into existence.
N) Sounds like it.
YH) It’s strange, maybe like fate in a sense. Or maybe timing is the right word.
※1 ARCH… A long established retail store carrying European vintage items and both foreign and domestic brands. Stores in Tokyo and Sapporo.
N) By the way, Mr.Yanagihara, what would you say your roots were? For me, it was ‘Cream Soda’(※2). Have you heard of it?
YH) Right, ‘Cre-So’.
N) Exactly, ‘Cre-So’ when shortened. I was thinking about what my roots were lately, and I remembered an episode out of my middle school days. At the time, I used to put a chain on my Cream Soda long wallet, and went to school with a comb in my chest pocket. I had kids telling me ‘wow, that’s so cool!’, and so I thought, ‘I should place mail orders for everyone’. So then I brought a catalogue to school, took orders, collected everyone’s money, and sent it away in a registered envelope. Then, when I opened the box from the Cream Soda shop, there was a present in there that wasn’t for sale. That made me really happy, and of course made me want to sell to everyone (laughs).
That was my beginning in sales. As it were, I think it was the foundation of my want to make both end-users and makers happy. So I was curious to know what your roots were.
YH) For me, my parents used to wear a lot of Van, and Jun. Van had an American feel to it, and Jun had a kind of European feel. My parents used to often wear those kind of coats.
N) You’re a star student.
YH) They also had knitwear by Courreges that they bought in France, and got me starting to like sophisticated, and refined things from Europe. For me, I was born in Ashibetsu City in Hokkaido, sort of to the left of Furano. There used to be a coal mine there and so it was quite wealthy, and apparently there used to be clothing stores there targeted towards people with a bit of wealth.
N) Stores like that always carried VAN, didn’t they?
YH) Yes, and both my parents liked things like that and would buy them. But when I was in my adolescence, around third grade in middle school, the coal mine closed down, and places to buy clothes like that went disappeared. So then I used to get on the first bus to Sapporo to go buy [clothes]. There, and this isn’t because of my parents, but I ended up buying clothes by ADAM ET ROPÉ.
(Here, Yamamura (YM) and Higa (H) join the conversation)
N) Mr.Yamamura, what would you say your roots were?
YM) My generation was the BOON generation, so I used to often go to KNOCKOUT. I went to JUNKSHOP(※3)
N) Kobe is a Mecca for vintage clothing after all.
YM) Originally, yes. It’s really strong [in that area].
From there, I went over to VIA BUS STOP.
N) You switched over to mode. Were you always working in glasses stores?
YM) At first I was working in apparel in America. But I’ve always liked glasses, and I was always looking at them.
N) Where in America were you?
YM) First Texas, and then New York.
N) Were you working in a boutique?
YM) It was a consignment store. There was a lot going on there, they had everything from really old, high-fashion brands to brand new items, it was really interesting. I was buying anything from vintage items to designer brands when I was in America.
N) And when you came back, glasses?
YM) Over there, I was collecting and selling by myself. During that time, I wasn’t just collecting vintage French, but all kinds of vintage [glasses], anywhere between the '30s to '90s. I’d also go and buy glasses my friends would ask me for.
N) Really? How interesting. You’ve done all kinds of things.
How about you Mr.Higa, how about your roots?
H) I wonder [what mine were]… What was I wearing back then?
N) I’m sure you were wearing something. If you weren’t wearing something [interesting], I’m sure you wouldn’t have developed such a personality.
Everyone laughs
N) Like realizing you [liked something] in middle school, and then buying it?
H) Right, I used to like to buy Barbour…
N) What about high school?
H) I was buying vintage clothes in high school.
YM) You were in a band after all.
H) Right… I used to wear bell bottoms.
N) What kind of bands were you covering?
H) The first cover we did in high school was by THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT. I liked their style, and I used to wear skinny jeans [because of them]… I’m getting nostalgic (laughs).
I have a lot of embarrassing pictures (laughs).
N) That goes for everyone (laughs).
H) Dark times (laughs)
N) [Peoples’] roots are interesting.
YH) Ultimately, that becomes [our] foundation, doesn’t it?
N) What we used to like.
YH) It's diversity, if we’re putting it in good terms, isn’t it?
H) We’re all holding onto our past somewhere on the inside.
N) Higa, why did you become a craftsman?
H) Well, I really just admired them. Originally I was in sales, I used to do buying. Then, I went independent and had two glasses stores, one in Osaka and one in Sangu.
N) Look at you (laughs).
H) Actually, that was the start of it. During that time, I had a lot of opportunities to speak with the two, and I just really admired [craftspeople]. People who can make things [to me] are cool. Then, I decided I wanted to make made to order glasses by myself and sell them. The people around me were saying things like ‘there’s no way someone without experience could do that’, but I thought to myself ‘it’d be so cool if I could’. It all started from a rather trivial place.
N) It’s a real strength having a craftsman as a member.
YH) We properly started [guépard] when the three of us joined forces. Of course it’s still a lot of work, but we’ve finally become somewhat like a proper brand.
N) You’re making a lot of sales aren’t you? I can get a direct feel because we carry [guépard] at ref. We often get customers who come to the store for your brand. Also, a lot of other sunglass makers are usually more on the American side, but guépard is looking in a different direction, I think it’s its own winner. But [once you get like that], other brands start popping up to imitate.
YH) There’s already some coming up. Even when looking at all kinds of brands, there are definitely some that are sampling [our glasses]. Also, with frame design included, there are definitely some out there that are very conscious of us.
N) What do you think about that?
YH) I think it’s a good thing. We actually have an archive book out called Frame France (※4) that we started making even before we started guépard, and that book has everything deconstructed, completely to scale down to the screw. Simply put, anyone who buys that book can use it for sampling, and can even make copies. I don’t think [sampled or copied glasses] being made and put out into the world, and gaining recognition in the process is a negative thing.
N) I guess it’s all sampling from the start.
YH) Right. But for us, we’ve done everything from deconstruction, measuring, and photographing vintage French [glasses] which have allowed us to become aware of the very small details in vintage French [glasses] and what makes them beautiful.
N) I think that’s really great too. I always think that as long as you’re a ‘pioneer’, you’re doing alright. People who make similar things or copies only really do that because it’s easy and it sells, so they go and sample what’s closest to them. But there’s no soul there, so their sales immediately drop, and when sales drop, they’re quick to quit. Then, the people who bought these copies without soul, they come to realize that guépard were the originators, and eventually come and buy a pair.
But the ‘pie’ so to speak does become much bigger, so it’s not like it’s always bad. A lot of brands like that coming up, I think, is actually really good news for guépard.
Y) We’re looking at it in a positive way as well. We’re finally seeing brands making designs that have managed to extract a little bit of that essence of vintage French [glasses], and when we see that, we feel like we’re finally becoming a little recognized.
※2 Cream Soda… A rockabilly fashion brand said to have built Harajuku culture. Since there were no retail stores in Hiroshima, the only way items could be purchased were through mail orders to their Tokyo store.
※3 KNOCKOUT / JUNKSHOP… A long-established clothing store in Tor West that is representative of Kobe’s vintage clothing culture.
※4 Frame France… Archive book, first publication in the world [dedicated to] Frame France. https://guepard.jp/products/frame-france
N) Maybe I should now ask what some of the characteristics are of guépard’s glasses?
YH) It’s unique to vintage French [glasses], but things like rigid edges in the detail. They're hard to notice at a glance, and I think things like that are very ‘us’. Some parts are angular, other parts curved, we put in a lot of details from originals of the time, which are really difficult to reproduce. Some aspects are easy to notice, other parts difficult, I think that’s what makes us unique.
N) French vintage became popular through creatives who physically made things, didn’t it.
YH) Because of people like Le Corbusier.
YH) Right, exactly. Just when I noticed the creatives around me starting to wear vintage French glasses, then guépard appeared. There’s somewhat of a familiarity with French furniture and other things like that isn’t there? They’re glasses that people who make things like, glasses they want.
YH) It could be to do with [our glasses] being a bit perplexing at first glance too. Every [pair of glasses] we make, we put a lot of thought into them.
N) Last October (2021) was the opening of your first and only shop [so far], did you decide to start in Kobe because Mr.Yamamura lives here? Did you feel it’d be somewhat easier that way?
YH) Yes, I think guépard is really excellent in terms of our product, but at its core as a brand, I think it’s all about being knowledgable about real vintage [glasses]. It was good timing, there was a space that became available in the building that Yamamura and Higa’s store was in, and it felt like [the location] would allow us to show the backdrop of the brand’s world view and production, which is so important to its core. I thought that was a real strength, so we decided to have our first store here.
N) In terms of [the store’s] location, it’s a little removed from the center, isn’t it?
YH) There’s not really any stores around here.
N) So customers come here solely to visit your store, right?
YH) Yes. If we were in the center of Sangu, we’d probably have more sales, but for us, we want people to experience what we’re thinking about, what’s inside our heads so to speak. For people to experience that, I thought here’s really the only place.
N) Is your next step to develop with your first store at the center?
YH) We can't make any announcements yet, but we’re working on some plans that’ll probably go against expectations in a good way. [We’re thinking about] the core of how [our products] are being sold, the quality of it, in a sense. We don’t want to just sell things, but to also work on improving the quality of how we sell things. Without deviating from what makes us, us, we want be able to sell to customers in a way that they are able to experience the kind of world view around [our brand]. A higher quality way of how [our products are] sold, and how we are selling [to customers]. If we have the opportunity, in Hiroshima too (laughs).
N) Maybe I’ll have you all come to Hiroshima (laughs). Mr. Minomoto (Accompanying ref. staff), it’s your chance.
He originally worked in a glasses shop in Kobe, and this time he came up to me and said ‘Let me go on location to Kobe with you!’. When I was talking to him the other day, I asked him, ‘do you have any goals or anything?’ and he said ‘I want to start a store for glasses and coffee.’ and I told him ‘ok, make that your goal then’ (laughs).
YH) Mr.Minomoto, it’s your chance.
N) What are you grinning at? (laughs).
(Everyone laughs).
N) Well, thank you very much for today.
YH, YM, H) Thank you very much.
2016 start of brand
October, 2021 Opening of the brand’s first boutique since its founding, next to SPEAKEASY in Kobe Kitano.